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digiquest F777 HD linux

Chiusa ad ulteriori risposte.
Ti rispondo al quesito numero 1 perche è stata una cosa che il rivenditore mi ha messo all'attenzione per evitare l' attesa dell' accensione.
Per evitare di aspettare premi tasto menu, settings, configurazione, impostazioni av.
Sulla voce risparmio energetico mettilo su spento.
Vedrai che dallo stanby adesso ti si accende in 2 secondi netti.

Altra cosa vai su configurazione e regolazione orario per togliere l' auto spegnimento (se no si spegne dopo 3 ore di funzionamento).

Per il resto non saprei perche non uso xcam ma magari qualcun altro potrà illuminarti.

Grazie 1000!! Avevo visto il settings ma non credevo si riferisse a quello.

Per il dongle WiFi dite che qualsiasi tipo andrà bene? Vorrei acquistarne uno per provare l'accesso in wireless, ma non vorrei prenderne uno che poi il decoder non "vede".
Per Xcam vediamo se qualcuno può aiutarmi.
Altre 2 informazioni:
- i plugin Octagon sono compatibili con l'immagine originale del Digiquest?
- come funziona l'EPG nativo di questo decoder? Da dove scarica? Ho visto che è possibile aggiungere un server per l'EPG, avete qualche sempio?

Ciao blackmk
I plugin verificati e funzionanti per F777 sono dal Panda+Sat.
Per il resto su altri marchi è sempre un rischio installare cose create per altri decoder anche se le macchine possono sembrare uguali.
Per l' EPG non ho capito cosa intendi (dove si scarica?? server per EPG??)
grazie, provo a vedere se trovo plugin più aggiornati su panda..

Per EPG intendo che il Digiquest sembra scaricare le informazioni solo quando viene aperto il canale. Non è possibile impostare il download automatico di tutti i canali?
Inoltre non conoscendo bene il plugin, posso configurarlo anche da file configurazione (FTP) o solo da interfaccia decoder?

con client ftp(es:filezilla) puoi collegarti:ip decoder,user=root,nessuna passw

la configurazione da ftp è tutta da scoprire...

allego immgagine


  • FileZillaF777.rar
    107,4 KB · Visite: 161
Ti rispondo al quesito numero 1 perche è stata una cosa che il rivenditore mi ha messo all'attenzione per evitare l' attesa dell' accensione.
Per evitare di aspettare premi tasto menu, settings, configurazione, impostazioni av.
Sulla voce risparmio energetico mettilo su spento.
Vedrai che dallo stanby adesso ti si accende in 2 secondi netti.
Confermo, dipende da quell'impostazione sul risparmio energia, come per la maggioranza dei decoder attuali. Se è attivata, il caricamento è lentino, mentre se la disattivi, l'accensione è istantanea. Quindi puoi scegliere cosa privilegiare, è un'opzione in più rispetto alle generazioni precedenti dei decoder che erano per forza "veloci" , senza possibilità del "risparmio energetico".


In particolare, l'opzione di risparmio energia disabilita l'uscita LNB per collegarci un secondo ricevitore satellitare. Quindi, in caso di utilizzo di un secondo decoder in cascata, l'opzione va lasciata su spento, in modo che il segnale sat arrivi all'uscita e quindi all'ingresso del secondo decoder collegato.
Ultima modifica:
Ho provato più volte a caricare il firmware E2 in multiboot tramite chiavetta USB... ma senza successo.

Ho seguito la procedura qui descritta:

Mettere F777 in stand by
Inserire chiavetta usb (formattata fat32 con i 2 file root e uImage)
1) Accendere il ricevitore tenendo premuto il tasto cambio canale
Se dovesse apparire OFF attendere che si accenda come F777 e spengerlo.
Attendere che il led rosso sia acceso, ripetere il passo 1.
2)verranno visualizzati i seguenti messaggi:
LD (lasciare il tasto cambio canale
RUN (appare l’immagine di enigma2)
L (seguono numeri che scorrono)
-E2- (si posizione con canale tv)
Buona visione

A volte mi appare OFF, come specificato nel punto 1, e allora rifaccio e appare giustamente ON, ma in ogni caso non viene rilevato niente, il decoder si avvia col suo firmware proprietario ignorando completamente la chiavetta. Cosa sbaglio? (LD non appare, appare LOAD, non so se nella procedura LOAD e LD stanno per la stessa scritta sul display...)

Altro problema:

Non riesco a registrare i canali codificati nagravision con regolare card Tivusat inserita nel lettore integrato (uso mcas..). Nessun problema in visione, ma il .ts risultante non è leggibile(nemmeno sul pc). Nessun problema invece con le registrazioni dei canali in chiaro.

Ho fatto più tentativi, cancellando i "dati utente", resettando il decoder, risintonizzando i canali ecc...

C'è qualche accorgimento da seguire? Grazie a chi mi risponde :)
Scusate, rettifico. Dal decoder anche la lettura dei file da canali codificati è ok (sbagliavo io a schiacciare un tasto sul telecomando).
Però con player su pc continuo a non vederli...
No, provo. ;)

pero ho analizzato il file con Gspot e non lo riconosce nemmeno come mpeg transport stream... risulta "unknow"(sconosciuto) il contenitoree il mediatype.
Poi se voglio convertirlo in altro come faccio con Gomplayer?
Di solito uso Avidemux, che digerisce di tutto... e non lo apre nemmeno lui.

Non si capisce perche è diverso da i .ts dei canali in chiaro.. che sono normali .ts. Eppure sono stati decriptati, in quanto anche togliendo la card dal decoder vengono letti...
provato ora Gomplayer. Niente... è prorpio il formato che è diverso dai .ts dei canali in chiaro... è come corrotto (ho provato piu registrazioni cmq).

Ma voi non avete questo problema coi canali codificati?
ho fatto un test ora su raiHD,con gomplayer tutto ok...ora vado a provare su altri tivusat
Ok grazie ;) Io ho provato sia HD che SD.

Rai 1,2,3 HD (criptati), niente
Rai Movie (criptato), niente
MTV (criptato), niente
Rai News (FTA): ok
Rete 4 (FTA): ok

Ho provato tutto sia su chiavetta che con HDD, ma la differenza me la fa solo tra FTA e criptati...
Ho dimenticato di specificare che uso la versione del fw ufficiale: v2.11.57

Uhm... Nel changelog si legge questo:

--> Not Encrypt Record (available to PC play)
Ora provo a rimettere la precedente 2.11.26

EDIT: Stessa cosa anche con 2.11.26
Ultima modifica:
Ho analizzato i file registrati con TsChecker.

Quelli FTA danno un risultato normale, senza errori. Allego il rapporto.

## File = F:\Rai News.ts
Included PIDs (*=PCR) = 511, 520*, 690, 1107, 8191
Root PIDs found =
First and last PCR = 19:50:22.8, 19:50:44.1 (in pid #520)
Duration = 00:00:21.3
Checking in progress
Error report for this file:
Packet count = 49152
Continuity errors = 0
Error flag set = 0
Packets with error = 0
Total duration = 00:00:21.3
Note that this duration is solely based on the timestamps found inside the
TS stream. If there are missing parts in the output file, the displayed value
will probably be inaccurate.
Checking terminated

Quelli criptati, invece contengono un sacco di roba. E' come se il decoder invece di tenere anche per questi solo il necessario (pid video e pid audio -decriptati- e poco altro), da quel che capisco mi pare che mantiene tutta la PMT, errori compresi, redendolo illeggibile ai normali lettori per pc che lo liquidano con formato non supportato / sconosciuto.

Ecco il rapporto (l'ho accorciato perchè era lunghissimo e non ci stava qui):

## File = F:\Mongol-01.ts
	Included PIDs (*=PCR)	=	33, 37, 38, 42, 49, 50*, 51*, 55, 56,
				58, 59, 61, 63, 67, 68, 69, 71*, 73*,
				77, 86*, 90*, 91, 92, 93, 98, 105,
				107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 115,
				121*, 122, 124, 125*, 130, 138, 141,
				144, 145*, 152, 153, 156, 159, 160,
				167, 168*, 169*, 171*, 180, 183, 184*,
				189, 191, 192, 194*, 195, 197*, 201,
				204, 206, 207, 209, 211*, 215, 217,
				219, 220, 227*, 230*, 232, 235, 236,
				239, 240*, 241, 246*, 249*, 252, 253,
				257, 260, 261*, 264, 270*, 273, 274,
				276, 277, 280*, 283*, 284, 286, 289*,
				293*, 294*, 295, 296, 302, 303*, 304,
				305, 313, 314, 318, 319*, 320*, 322,
				326, 327, 332, 334, 336*, 341, 342,
				343, 344, 347, 349*, 351, 355, 356,
				360, 362, 363, 366, 369, 371, 375,
				378, 383, 385, 386, 393, 395*, 396,
				399, 400, 403, 404, 415, 416, 419,
				420, 421*, 423, 425*, 428, 429, 430,
				431, 433*, 434, 436*, 438, 439*, 440,
				444, 445, 447, 450, 455, 457*, 462,
				463, 465*, 469, 472*, 474, 482, 483,
				485, 486, 487, 489, 493, 496, 506,
				7961*, 7962, 7963*, 7968, 7970, 7976*,
				7984, 7987, 7988, 7989, 7993*, 7996*,
				8000*, 8001, 8002*, 8003*, 8004, 8005,
				8009, 8015, 8020, 8024, 8026, 8028,
				8029*, 8030, 8031*, 8033, 8037, 8038*,
				8042, 8043*, 8045, 8046, 8047, 8050,
				8052*, 8055*, 8056, 8058, 8059, 8060,
				8063, 8064, 8065, 8072, 8073*, 8074,
				8076, 8077, 8078, 8079*, 8081, 8085,
				8087, 8090*, 8091, 8093, 8094, 8096,
				8097, 8099, 8107, 8109, 8112, 8115,
				8125, 8126, 8127, 8131, 8132*, 8134,
				8136, 8137, 8140*, 8141, 8143*, 8145,
				8147, 8150, 8154, 8159, 8163*, 8165,
				8166, 8169*, 8170, 8171, 8176, 8179,
	Root PIDs found	=	0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 12, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25,
				26, 29, 30, 31
	First and last PCR	=	14:01:17.1, [INVALID]  (in pid #2574)
	Duration		=	00:00:00.0
Checking in progress
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7132):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=535):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5147):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2513):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=835):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4390):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3246):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7218):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=920):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=513):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1457):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=342):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5447):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7403):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2341):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3263):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2626):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3361):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1735):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5100):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=899):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5870):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=162):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4826):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2431):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2669):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1388):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4594):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1198):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6620):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=430):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6490):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3217):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1500):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1934):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4786):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6685):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6552):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6176):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3036):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4900):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=699):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6325):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5486):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2775):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7364):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6694):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6058):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1124):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5950):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2951):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=705):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7239):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6788):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=403):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7296):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7228):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6150):	Error flag set


@00:00:00.0 (pid=2581):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6498):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=347):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7655):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5402):	Discontinuity, expected=3, found=10
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5949):	Discontinuity, expected=3, found=0
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1670):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=881):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1511):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=5
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1065):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1249):	Discontinuity, expected=15, found=2
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4191):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3158):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6275):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3843):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1843):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=10
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6373):	Discontinuity, expected=13, found=10
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5365):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=328):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5629):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6558):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7940):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4654):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4698):	Discontinuity, expected=15, found=10
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2347):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7587):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1827):	Discontinuity, expected=3, found=10
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6384):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6888):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7254):	Discontinuity, expected=3, found=5
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4159):	Discontinuity, expected=6, found=12
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2887):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3239):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4711):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7538):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4615):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=511):	Discontinuity, expected=15, found=8
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4549):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5857):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3556):	Discontinuity, expected=9, found=6
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3446):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3731):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3629):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6610):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6302):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5911):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2691):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=349):	Discontinuity, expected=14, found=12
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2534):	Discontinuity, expected=1, found=13
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1610):	Discontinuity, expected=6, found=2
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3871):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7039):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5878):	Discontinuity, expected=15, found=12
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4286):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=296):	Discontinuity, expected=9, found=6
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5891):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1843):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=10
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1323):	Discontinuity, expected=15, found=11
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3024):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2431):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=5
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1320):	Discontinuity, expected=4, found=7
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3460):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=517):	Discontinuity, expected=15, found=10
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5134):	Discontinuity, expected=12, found=6
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1397):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=286):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1577):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7518):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=764):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7073):	Discontinuity, expected=13, found=10
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5096):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3726):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4187):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3885):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5612):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6361):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5042):	Discontinuity, expected=12, found=14
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2878):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1590):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3060):	Discontinuity, expected=14, found=12
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1099):	Discontinuity, expected=15, found=6
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=516):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6988):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5099):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1307):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4463):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=8055):	Discontinuity, expected=10, found=4
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2593):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5173):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2703):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4402):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4855):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7850):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=9
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7763):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7790):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7024):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2574):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4524):	Discontinuity, expected=2, found=0
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7498):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3809):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7543):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2029):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2306):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3972):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1006):	Discontinuity, expected=5, found=15
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2193):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2902):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4080):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4131):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4869):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4399):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=716):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3690):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5578):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=611):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2708):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6184):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1801):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=363):	Discontinuity, expected=9, found=15
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1934):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5021):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2854):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7273):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1837):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7664):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6375):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6501):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6114):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5120):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=5
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4250):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5157):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7974):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2614):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=196):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3594):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2001):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=495):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7217):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2437):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1204):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7758):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1682):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7286):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6074):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4452):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3375):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2593):	Discontinuity, expected=6, found=2
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2298):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2714):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5480):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6429):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=13
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1628):	Discontinuity, expected=15, found=1
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2448):	Discontinuity, expected=2, found=4
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4636):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1647):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7985):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7692):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2720):	Discontinuity, expected=4, found=0
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6218):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3025):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5165):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7205):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4827):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6603):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5517):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6273):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1150):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5744):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=955):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7427):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6374):	Discontinuity, expected=10, found=11
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5971):	Discontinuity, expected=13, found=1
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5081):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=1
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1503):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3801):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5113):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=0):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5014):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5007):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3227):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6951):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6377):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3052):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7825):	Discontinuity, expected=4, found=0
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7954):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2865):	Discontinuity, expected=14, found=15
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1417):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6436):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5517):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3509):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5356):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4382):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5790):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5667):	Discontinuity, expected=13, found=0
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=266):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=144):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=119):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7133):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7063):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4136):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2013):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5293):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=14
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7645):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1251):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5360):	Discontinuity, expected=13, found=5
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5070):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5610):	Discontinuity, expected=6, found=10
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3369):	Discontinuity, expected=7, found=12
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4972):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6657):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5287):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1015):	Discontinuity, expected=7, found=1
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1422):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4267):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3101):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3911):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5405):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3867):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4896):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=8101):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5911):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6395):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=832):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1041):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2611):	Discontinuity, expected=13, found=1
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6093):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6855):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2317):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3018):	Discontinuity, expected=9, found=1
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2839):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4327):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5697):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6595):	Discontinuity, expected=2, found=8
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3033):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3430):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6784):	Discontinuity, expected=2, found=3
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5709):	Discontinuity, expected=10, found=5
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5316):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1521):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7687):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3965):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6992):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1081):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2253):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=8037):	Discontinuity, expected=10, found=15
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2545):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7944):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3926):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2312):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2879):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5019):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2018):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7465):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5681):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3980):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7524):	Discontinuity, expected=15, found=13
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7591):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7072):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3593):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4849):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=687):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4378):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3994):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3802):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3223):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7703):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1334):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=725):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5107):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=617):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=363):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7289):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=347):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4007):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5838):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7702):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3691):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7199):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7663):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7277):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7681):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5120):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=5
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1915):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5585):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7984):	Discontinuity, expected=6, found=13
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4869):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5120):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=5
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2516):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=121):	Discontinuity, expected=9, found=1
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=204):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1788):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=8095):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3102):	Discontinuity, expected=1, found=9
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4827):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2628):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1681):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4773):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1080):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3492):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4895):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=15
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2017):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5024):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5710):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7715):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2047):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6032):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2598):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5116):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5551):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5412):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1111):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7170):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1849):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6726):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3161):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7167):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4384):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=502):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5441):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=2
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6373):	Discontinuity, expected=11, found=8
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2129):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4072):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4858):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4297):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4454):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4564):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=251):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=35):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6971):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1418):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3989):	Discontinuity, expected=15, found=6
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7511):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3584):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6038):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5630):	Discontinuity, expected=10, found=8
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2722):	Discontinuity, expected=8, found=13
@00:00:00.0 (pid=648):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6473):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7687):	Discontinuity, expected=11, found=9
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7774):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=8137):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=702):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3219):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=938):	Discontinuity, expected=5, found=15
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=8152):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7974):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6849):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4669):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5533):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=4
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2161):	Discontinuity, expected=2, found=4
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3918):	Discontinuity, expected=13, found=4
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2565):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=8147):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1731):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7005):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7090):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4359):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=11
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4116):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5520):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=366):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6529):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2710):	Discontinuity, expected=10, found=0
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=127):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6615):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3840):	Discontinuity, expected=5, found=15
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5106):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4700):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6661):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3049):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=842):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1751):	Discontinuity, expected=7, found=4
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3275):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=922):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6613):	Discontinuity, expected=7, found=8
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1947):	Discontinuity, expected=12, found=5
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4336):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7435):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2545):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3332):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4720):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=74):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4820):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3592):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=4
@00:00:00.0 (pid=103):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2816):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7460):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7963):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1605):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=365):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1314):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1665):	Discontinuity, expected=15, found=2
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5236):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=908):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6457):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=660):	Discontinuity, expected=13, found=1
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6672):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=15
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5819):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=860):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3650):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4776):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5478):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1117):	Discontinuity, expected=9, found=6
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5180):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2351):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5322):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2443):	Discontinuity, expected=11, found=2
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7532):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=207):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2705):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3518):	Discontinuity, expected=10, found=2
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4961):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1355):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1845):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1511):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=5
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1996):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4345):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1801):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1051):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6648):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7660):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1934):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4231):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7175):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4242):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=290):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1889):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6225):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=980):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=652):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6799):	Discontinuity, expected=5, found=3
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7057):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2296):	Discontinuity, expected=2, found=9
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2078):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2979):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6190):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2075):	Discontinuity, expected=5, found=1
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7945):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=586):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2712):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4744):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6601):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1376):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6840):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3979):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3919):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1320):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=7
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5351):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4798):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4145):	Discontinuity, expected=14, found=4
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5134):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=499):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1082):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5752):	Discontinuity, expected=15, found=11
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=994):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4699):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2032):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2810):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2810):	Discontinuity, expected=12, found=3
@00:00:00.0 (pid=194):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7035):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5474):	Discontinuity, expected=12, found=0
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3055):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2195):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=584):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6899):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1022):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3427):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1934):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4188):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5811):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7122):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1097):	Discontinuity, expected=9, found=6
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1843):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=10
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4547):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=89):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=6019):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=2497):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3711):	Discontinuity, expected=15, found=0
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3380):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5759):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1291):	Discontinuity, expected=0, found=14
@00:00:00.0 (pid=7152):	Discontinuity, expected=7, found=5
			Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3954):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=525):	Discontinuity, expected=8, found=3
@00:00:00.0 (pid=1330):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=3137):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=4311):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=8044):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=5606):	Error flag set
@00:00:00.0 (pid=888):	Error flag set
Error report for this file:
	Packet count	=	4418
	Continuity errors	=	299
	Error flag set	=	2228
	Packets with error	=	2356
Total duration = 00:00:00.0
	Note that this duration is solely based on the timestamps found inside the
	TS stream. If there are missing parts in the output file, the displayed value
	will probably be inaccurate.
Checking terminated
Qualcuno sa dove posso scaricare il manuale magari in pdf...non trovo più le istruzioni e non riesco ad ordinare i canali a mio piacimento
Riesumo questo topic per chiedere una cosa: tramite il decoder in questione, è possibile registrare usando la cam Tivusat ma senza che venga fuori un file criptato? Grazie
Riesumo questo topic per chiedere una cosa: tramite il decoder in questione, è possibile registrare usando la cam Tivusat ma senza che venga fuori un file criptato? Grazie

Sì. Vengono registrati dei normali file .ts
Chiusa ad ulteriori risposte.
Alto Basso