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In Rilievo Vertigo* per i feed in HDTV: 'E' tanto che aspetti,tesoro?'-'Solo tutta la vita...'**

Horses Races from Sweden,0.8° W

Channel data : 1w,11508v,7200(hdtv,dvb-s2)
Channel Name : SWE-036 Feed 1

Sat Name : Intelsat 10-02/Thor 5/6
Sat Pos : 0.8° W
Event Type : Horses Races from Sweden

Horses Races from Sweden,0.8° W

Channel data : 1w,11517v,7200(hdtv,dvb-s2)
Channel Name : SWE-036

Sat Name : Intelsat 10-02/Thor 5/6
Sat Pos : 0.8° W
Event Type : Horses Races from Sweden
Astra 3B (23.5°E)
Fréquence: 12592 - Pol: V - SR: 9875 - FEC: 3/4
Catégorie: Sport - Tennis
Transmis en: MPEG-4 4:2:2
Info: Atp Halle
Astra 3B (23.5°E)
Fréquence: 12718 - Pol: V - SR: 7200 - FEC: 3/4
Catégorie: Sport - Courses hippiques
Transmis en: MPEG-4 4:2:2
Info: Id : Sng/16apsk
Astra 3B (23.5°E)
Fréquence: 12696 - Pol: V - SR: 4800 - FEC: 3/4
Catégorie: Conference / Interview
Transmis en: MPEG-4
Info: Die Linke meeting
Eutelsat 33E (33.0°E)
Fréquence: 11170 - Pol: H - SR: 4800 - FEC: 3/4
Catégorie: Autre
Transmis en: MPEG-4 crypté
Info: Tvp Pol-32 enc 2
Eutelsat 33E (33.0°E)
Fréquence: 11182 - Pol: H - SR: 4800 - FEC: 3/4
Catégorie: Divertissement
Transmis en: MPEG-4 4:2:2
Info: Pol 052 Harm enc
Ceremony for the 7th anniversary of the proclamation of Felipe VI,10.0°E

Channel data : 10e,11680v,7200(hdtv,dvb-s2)
Channel Name : E-459 Via1
Date : 19/06
Time : 12:05
Sat Name : Eutelsat 10A
Sat Pos : 10.0°E
Event Type : Ceremony for the 7th anniversary of the proclamation of Felipe VI

Channel data : 10e,11059h,7200(hdtv,dvb-s2)
Channel Name : ENC-4

Sat Name : Eutelsat 10A
Sat Pos : 10.0°E
Event Type : Fighting
U.A.E. Warriors Arabia

Cage Fighting:U.A.E. warriors,39.0°E

Channel data : 39e,11537h,4000(hdtv,dvb-s2)
Channel Name : SNG1 Chain A

Sat Name : Hellas Sat
Sat Pos : 39.0°E
Event Type : Cage Fighting:U.A.E. warriors
U.A.E. Warriors Arabia
Alto Basso