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help please


Digital-Forum New User
31 Maggio 2007
Well, what I really would like to do, would be to find some shop which
provide sky italia subs, payable monthly via ****** card, just like it's
the case with sky UK.

Do any of you in here know of such a shop?, or perhaps you might know
someone who'd like to help out providing an italian address, from
which the sub can be activated?

If you think you'll be able to help out, please drop me a line here.

any help at all will be greatly apprishiated.

unodue ha scritto:
Well, what I really would like to do, would be to find some shop which
provide sky italia subs, payable monthly via ****** card, just like it's
the case with sky UK.

Do any of you in here know of such a shop?, or perhaps you might know
someone who'd like to help out providing an italian address, from
which the sub can be activated?

If you think you'll be able to help out, please drop me a line here.

any help at all will be greatly apprishiated.


Qualcuno lo capisce? :)
Si lo capiamo vuole sapere se ci sono negozi che gli possono fare un abbonamento a SkyItalia invece del solito per Sky UK....

Poi vuole pagare mensilmente con carta di credito ma non so se Sky accetti carte straniere.

Ciao ciao ;) ;)
mi pare che per SKY Italia serva un prestanome residente da noi a cui intestare l'abbonamento e non so se ci sono negozi che fanno ciò :eusa_think:

Please: traducete voi altrimenti se lo scrivo io in inglese vi mettete a ridere per una settimana :D :D :D
A lui interessa un negozio che faccia queste cose se sapete qualcosa gli inviate un MP...

Ciao ciao ;) ;)
dear english friend,you're welcome!
sorry, can i ask you if you support liverpooll ? or manchester? :D
my favourite football team is ac milan, but i have to say that i haven't never seen playing football very good such as ENGLISH TEAMS....you are the best, your championship is NOW better than our's, you fight until the end of the match, you have to be proud ! ;)

let's look to this auctions, i don't think they're danger but it is better to wait what TIKAL and DINGO (that are like yoda and obiwankenobi from star wars) :D say about them.
unodue ha scritto:
Well, what I really would like to do, would be to find some shop which
provide sky italia subs, payable monthly via ****** card, just like it's
the case with sky UK.

Do any of you in here know of such a shop?, or perhaps you might know
someone who'd like to help out providing an italian address, from
which the sub can be activated?

If you think you'll be able to help out, please drop me a line here.

any help at all will be greatly apprishiated.


Trying to summarise what the other posters have said:
- we don't know of any italian shop that will do that
- you need to find an Italian resident that susbscribe in his name
- also it's unlikely that Sky will accept a non-italian credit card (especially if it's not in the name of the subscriber)

If you are in UK you may try some shops there. I have seen some doing this but it's likely that the premium you have to pay over the normal subscription is quite high.

Otherwise you need to make some Italian friends ;)
nn c'è nessun negozio che lo fa...mi sembra inesatto...
fai un salto agli skycenter che sono vicino al confine...e li trovi :D

non si trovano certo sulle pagine gialle...ma ci sono eccome
"Otherwise you need to make some Italian friends"

i would like to, but i think, i need to find someone i can trust and make a deal and that's not easy;)

credit card is not a problem, because SKY will accept foreign VISA cards, i know that for sure...
dj GCE ha scritto:
No, non accettano carte di credito straniere.

Accettano carte straniere (Visa, Mastercard e Amex) se l'intestatario dell'abbonamento e' residente in Italia.
Sono sicuro al 100% ;)
unodue ha scritto:
credit card is not a problem, because SKY will accept foreign VISA cards, i know that for sure...
Yep you're right about the credit card: they will accept it but it can be a problem if the name on the card is different from the name on the Sky subscription (and this person need to prove he is resident in Italy).

About shops nobody posted any so far. One of the moderators asked to PM you if any member knows one.
Anyway it could be easier to find one abroad (as I said there are some in London) especially considering the legal implications ;)
Beware only that the premium price can be quite high :(

Where are you based?
Burchio ha scritto:
nn c'è nessun negozio che lo fa...mi sembra inesatto...
fai un salto agli skycenter che sono vicino al confine...e li trovi :D

non si trovano certo sulle pagine gialle...ma ci sono eccome

One option (according to Burchio) could be to try one of the Skycenters (shops that sell Sky subscriptions) in Italy near the border (especially with France and Switzerland).
lyskamm ha scritto:
Accettano carte straniere (Visa, Mastercard e Amex) se l'intestatario dell'abbonamento e' residente in Italia.
Sono sicuro al 100% ;)

Io pago tranquillamente con una mastercard straniera e l'indirizzo non e' nel mio nome - anzi pago 150e in piu' ogni anno per il "servizio" ad un negozio in Roma ;)

I also have a subscription from abroad, I pay with a non-italian mastercard and the subscription address isn't in my name!
The only thing is that I pay a "suppliment" of 150e per year for the "service" provided by "someone" in Rome.
I even have PPV using SMS from my non-italian mobile phone!
Everything is possible, if you say you are for example a foreign student living together with an italian friend... you need to have someone (an agent probably) to actually go to a sky center and tell them this story, you can have what you looking for ;)

PS Sorry but there is no way I could give the name etc of this roman "agent" (not even with a PM) - I know it could be extremelly dangerous for him all all his customers but I'm sure if you shop around the net you can come across it. He's quite famous ;)
tolisGR ha scritto:
Io pago tranquillamente con una mastercard straniera e l'indirizzo non e' nel mio nome - anzi pago 150e in piu' ogni anno per il "servizio" ad un negozio in Roma ;)

I also have a subscription from abroad, I pay with a non-italian mastercard and the subscription address isn't in my name!
The only thing is that I pay a "suppliment" of 150e per year for the "service" provided by "someone" in Rome.
I even have PPV using SMS from my non-italian mobile phone!
Everything is possible, if you say you are for example a foreign student living together with an italian friend... you need to have someone (an agent probably) to actually go to a sky center and tell them this story, you can have what you looking for ;)

PS Sorry but there is no way I could give the name etc of this roman "agent" (not even with a PM) - I know it could be extremelly dangerous for him all all his customers but I'm sure if you shop around the net you can come across it. He's quite famous ;)

fprse è meglio trovare un parente di 40esimo grado che lo fa gratis:badgrin:
Hi, what about an subscription exchange?

Premiere with german Bundesliga against SKY Italia?

anyone interested?

Purtroppo c'e' stato un cambiamento e' dal Luglio 2007 e poi Sky NON accetta carte di credito straniere :(
E' una cosa veramente assurda siccome uno (come me) potrebbe trovarsi in Italia per motivi di lavoro o come studente in qualche università ed essendo straniero pagare con la propria CC ovviamente emessa al paese di origine...
L'unico modo di abbonarsi anche per gli stranieri che vivono in Italia (!!!) da ora e poi sarà tramite un conto bancario...
Alto Basso