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Drembox editi 1.90 - 1.90.01


Digital-Forum Junior Plus
14 Febbraio 2002
Changes in version 1.90.00
- Preliminary support for the Dreambox 7025 (which uses a new version settings formats / filenames)
- Allow for IP names (like "MyDreambox.dyndns.com") instead of only numeric IP addresses
- Main screen panel widths are now saved
- The widths of the columns within lists (main screen) are saved
- The "delete bouquets with 1 service" popup menu option is changed to "delete bouquets with x services"
- New popup menu option to clear all new flags on the services list
- Package name saved up to 50 characters instead of 22
- Resolved error with opening options panel on other tab than Profiles
Tips and known issues with the 7025:
- In DreamBoxEdit you must specify the correct paths on the 7025. You can do this very easy with the "Defaults for 7025" button on the options panel.
- You have to enable "Multibouquet" on the 7025 in order to be able to see your bouquets
- The DreamBoxEdit ZAP command fails because the 7025 webinterface does not yet exists
Changes in version 1.90.01
- fixed a small error in the names of markers and renamed services within bouquets
Scaricabile da dreambox.happyllama
Alto Basso