Microsoft sta testando un aggiornamento per MSN Messenger 7.5 che migliorerà il sistema di sign-in al servizio. Il colosso di Redmond ha reso disponibile alcuni links per scaricare la nuova Build 7.5.0322 beta sul forum del sito, comunità interamente dedicata all'IM di Microsoft, con l'intento di poter testare le modifiche apportate al codice.
Alcuni giorni fa John Weis, MSN Test Engineer, ha lanciato questa sorta di mini-programma di betatesting sul forum di, affermando: "I need your help over the holidays to help bake some fixes for the next QFE of v7.5. Nothing beats real-world verification to make sure the problems we have attempted to solve in QFE3 are truly gone ... Over the next few days we should be getting a g-link up for a full install (no more patch difficulties) of v7.5.322. I'll ask you to try it out yourself and tell your friends to give it a try. The more people the better, and especially to people who have had sign-in problems."
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Aspettate a scaricarla è in fase beta test e non c'è in italiano ancora
Alcuni giorni fa John Weis, MSN Test Engineer, ha lanciato questa sorta di mini-programma di betatesting sul forum di, affermando: "I need your help over the holidays to help bake some fixes for the next QFE of v7.5. Nothing beats real-world verification to make sure the problems we have attempted to solve in QFE3 are truly gone ... Over the next few days we should be getting a g-link up for a full install (no more patch difficulties) of v7.5.322. I'll ask you to try it out yourself and tell your friends to give it a try. The more people the better, and especially to people who have had sign-in problems."
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Aspettate a scaricarla è in fase beta test e non c'è in italiano ancora