DreamBoxEdit 1.87
New in 1.87:
- Added option: use a formatting "word list" (options panel, advanced) with the "Format
servicename automatically" option in bouquet details. Useful to automatically keep words
like "tv" in uppercase: "TV".
- "IP Sets" is changed to "Profiles". Profiles now contain both TCP/IP settings and
Dreambox path settings. Useful for people with more then 1 Dreambox and/or type of Dreambox.
- Added check if directory exists when using FTP send / receive
- Added check for valid IP addresses and ports
- A new function for adding a default packagename to imported SatcoDX services
- The compare function now marks items as "Updated" when the service and/or package name is
- The compare function can now create a bouquet with the added services
- Better support for cable receivers. You can now specify different paths for services and
- In the list on the right panel of the main screen the term "Bouquets" is replaced with
- A rather large number of small changes / corrections