hollywood19 ha scritto:
Letteralmente: Free To Air
Trasmissione televisiva o radiofonica satellitare analogica o digitale in chiaro, cioè ricevibile senza nessun pagamento né l'uso di smart card. saluti hollywood.:

Forse perchè non sai installare la evocamd+newscs,perchè oggi l'anno publicata evcamd 2.0 altro che FTA
OpenDreambox 1.2.0 dm7025
dm7025 login: root
root@dm7025:~# cd /usr/bin
root@dm7025:/usr/bin# ****************
root@dm7025:/usr/bin# ***********
Reading Config file from /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml
TCP-log password is disabled!
level: normal
type: init
output: all
logger config: level 1 type 3 output 255
log file:
logger: cant open file , file log disabled
udp log: host port 1000
tcp port: 3001
[ 18:14:29 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 1
[ 18:14:29 ] [ Config ] Option <PPV> for device 0 (lower) not present, defaultin
g to NO
[ 18:14:29 ] [ Config ] Option <mhz> for device 0 (lower) not present, defaultin
g to 357
[ 18:14:29 ] [ Config ] Option <parity> for device 0 (lower) not present, defaul
ting to ODD
[ 18:14:29 ] [ Config ] Option <sid> for device 0 (lower) not present, no static
sids added to filter
[ 18:14:29 ] [ Config ] /dev/sci0 ECM priority: hard
[ 18:14:29 ] [ Config ] Option <PPV> for device 1 (upper) not present, defaultin
g to NO
[ 18:14:29 ] [ Config ] Option <mhz> for device 1 (upper) not present, defaultin
g to 357
[ 18:14:29 ] [ Config ] Option <parity> for device 1 (upper) not present, defaul
ting to ODD
[ 18:14:29 ] [ Config ] Option <sid> for device 1 (upper) not present, no static
sids added to filter
[ 18:14:29 ] [ Config ] /dev/sci1 ECM priority: hard
[ 18:14:29 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising Cache with 25 entries
[ 18:14:29 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising Cache with 25 entries
[ NewCS ] Process id 1726
[ 18:14:29 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 5 on node /dev/sci0
[ 18:14:29 ] [ Sci ] Opening device /dev/sci0
[ 18:14:29 ] [ Sci ] CARD_DETECT for sci returned 1
[ 18:14:30 ] [ Loader ] Init NDS card
[ 18:14:30 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key type 0 on Provider 000000 for caid 0919 ID=0
[ 18:14:30 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key type 1 on Provider 000000 for caid 0919 ID=0
[ 18:14:31 ] [ Loader ] Card 0919 on port /dev/sci0 ready
[ 18:14:31 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 10110
[ 18:14:31 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 5 on node /dev/sci1
[ 18:14:31 ] [ Sci ] Opening device /dev/sci1
[ 18:14:31 ] [ Sci ] CARD_DETECT for sci returned 1
[ 18:14:31 ] [ Loader ] Init Viaccess card
[ 18:14:32 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key type 0 on Provider 000000 for caid 0500 ID=0
[ 18:14:32 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key type 1 on Provider FFFD00 for caid 0500 ID=0
[ 18:14:32 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key type 1 on Provider 021500 for caid 0500 ID=1
[ 18:14:32 ] [ Loader ] Card 0500 on port /dev/sci1 ready
[ 18:14:32 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 10111
[ 18:14:32 ] [ NewCS ] Ready to GO!

root@dm7025:/usr/bin# ********
[evocamd] Process id 1733
(compiled Feb 17 2006 03:30:41)
styled by TBT Team, Next Level version 2.0(dream - multichannel)
[ 18:14:40 ] [ Newcamd:10110 ] Connection from
[ 18:14:40 ] [ Newcamd:10110 ] User dummy logged in, client: Evocamd
caid: 0919
prov: 0 : 0
Got CaID 0919 from localhost, TCP/IP Port:10110
[ 18:14:40 ] [ Newcamd:10111 ] Connection from
[ 18:14:40 ] [ Newcamd:10111 ] User dummy logged in, client: Evocamd
caid: 0500
prov: FFFD00 : 0
prov: 21500 : 0
Got CaID 0500 from localhost, TCP/IP Port:10111
Cosi ti togli il dobbio del FTA