varie versioni del clarke tech 2100



Ho sentito parlare in un forum di due versioni del 2100,
del ClarKe-Tech 2100S e del ClarKe-Tech HTS-2100S
esistono? sono differenti?
la versione HTS (o meglio chiamata "scatola bianca") è la primissima versione del ctech 2100 con boot 2.00 anzichè 2.10 come l'attuale versione in commercio.
Ora non esiste più la versione HTS... forse c'è qualche rimanenza in giro ma ci credo poco!! :D
stefaboa ha scritto:
la versione HTS (o meglio chiamata "scatola bianca") è la primissima versione del ctech 2100 con boot 2.00 anzichè 2.10 come l'attuale versione in commercio.
Ora non esiste più la versione HTS... forse c'è qualche rimanenza in giro ma ci credo poco!! :D

e qual'è la migliore delle due??
Dovrebbe essere la 2100 s, con bl 2.10 che permette di caricare direttamente i firmware piu' recenti,invece l'altra doveva essere inviata all'importatore ber aggiornare il bootloader.
marenco35 ha scritto:
Dovrebbe essere la 2100 s, con bl 2.10 che permette di caricare direttamente i firmware piu' recenti,invece l'altra doveva essere inviata all'importatore ber aggiornare il bootloader.

il CT è solo CT2100 con boot 2.1
l'altro è il Maxplus 2100HTS
la versione intermedia era CT 2100+ con boot 2 poi trasformato in 2.1 e portato a tutti i gli effetti a CT2100
If anybody in Italy didn't have the chance to change his bootloader from 2.00 to 2.10 in time, don't worry.

Bootloader 2.00 is fully supported in Holland. You can always download the latest fw here :D

Latest release for bootloader 2.00 on 7.4.2006 version 1.38 :happy3:
Latest release for bootloader 2.10 on 5.4.2006 version 1.23 :happy3:
espada ha scritto:
If anybody in Italy didn't have the chance to change his bootloader from 2.00 to 2.10 in time, don't worry.

Bootloader 2.00 is fully supported in Holland. You can always download the latest fw here :D

Latest release for bootloader 2.00 on 7.4.2006 version 1.38 :happy3:
Latest release for bootloader 2.10 on 5.4.2006 version 1.23 :happy3:

Sorry guy's, i did not reallize that particular site would be considert illegal :sad:
Ultima modifica:
It's illegal because they release in own website, software for Maxplus patched, with emu and keys inside the software is illegal......Ctech patched software are illegal too, and here are not allowed link to website with Ctech patched software.
Otherwise it is not illegal link to Clarke-tech home website, because there you will find only original software not patched.
For patched firm there are other boards, that everybody we know(like angels) ....but not pretty legal ;)
I hope my explanation about the problem is for you clear
Ok, clear. I won't make the same mistake again. i'm sorry again.

Unfortunatly the Angels, stopped releasing the fw for the BL2.00.
I never got theire response to my question why. By placing my earlier post i hoped to help some people out, by letting them know that BL2.00 is still supported. My message now probebly got trough anyway. I suppose people who need it, now know about it existence. And by googling around a bit, it will probebly get them up and running. :D
I'll be reading some more in this nice forum, i already found some interesting things here.
See you around

For now greetings from Holland.
Ultima modifica:
andando in giro per internet credo di aver scoperto altri clarke tech mascherati.
Uno per esempio mi sembra l'inglese technomate tm 1500 ci+.
sono andato nel sito e anno tutta la gamma che appare fortemente simile
al ct ovviamente con opportune modifiche sia estetiche che del menù, che però guardando più attentamente si intuisce che essere lo stesso prodotto modificato probabilmente per il mercato inglese o per una certa catena di distribuzione.
Maxplus HTS2100+
C-Tech 2100

The next one is not completly the same on the back (connectors) but:
Coolsat 5000 platinum

And there are probably more like you found your self.
i'm thinking about some of the Benjamin, SkyX, Cooltec, Technomate, StrongTech, Cobra receivers.
Some of theire models are probably also made in Korea by HubTech. But i'm not a 100% sure.

Then again for example Maxplus H(ub)T(ech)S(atellite)2100+ :D :D
Ultima modifica:
Yes Espada, we talked about that many times in the last months ago, in Europe the CI + cardreader model , is called Ctech, maxPlus and Technomate; but there is an important difference......Ctech follow own develop and specific support in the model 2100.

Ctech with the help of the board users in the last 6 months, has encrease a LOT OF NEW PERFORMANCES in the same already powerfull hardware like:

Fix on teletex mistakes,solved big motor problem in usals(solved by Ctech with help of stab), color unbalanced, compatibility with important cams(joker, dragon), blind scan (originally was poor and under performance), pause was very ugly before,language fix,fine motor move step by step( very important, before the motor control sucks),many other requests of fix in motor management....and NDS card reader compatibility:

Just for remember some fixes in Ctech software before than other same OEMs:the others have had the same performances ecreased after a couple of months, just because was easy ask them like a copy

Also the patched softwares of Ctech are on line many hours before than the other Clones .

Now Ctech is working on many other original functions, that will be available probabilly next week...and you will see the other OEMs, they will have not .....

In poor words , many of the most important new functions encreases in the others clones, cames from Ctech
Alto Basso