Microsoft ha fermato lo sviluppo di Internet Explorer per Mac nel Giugno 2003 e ieri ha annunciato la fine di ogni piano presente e futuro per portare un nuovo IE su Mac. Dal nuovo anno, non saranno rilasciati più aggiornamenti di sicurezza e, a testimonianza, vi è la rimozione dal sito Microsoft della versione per Mac.
The current version of IE for Macs is effectively three years old, making it an outdated browser compared to its Windows equivalent. In June 2003, Microsoft said it had stopped work on developing the browser.
It has now put the final nails into the coffin, announcing that it will not provide any further security updates as from the end of the year. The browser itself will be removed from Microsoft Mactopia download site from 31 January.
Microsoft raccomanda gli utenti di passare a un browser più recente, come Safari o Camino.
The current version of IE for Macs is effectively three years old, making it an outdated browser compared to its Windows equivalent. In June 2003, Microsoft said it had stopped work on developing the browser.
It has now put the final nails into the coffin, announcing that it will not provide any further security updates as from the end of the year. The browser itself will be removed from Microsoft Mactopia download site from 31 January.
Microsoft raccomanda gli utenti di passare a un browser più recente, come Safari o Camino.