information on ClarkeTech 1200?

Ultima modifica:
That firmware I use for a ClarkeTech 1200.

There is no information on ClarkeTech 1200 in the official web of the manufacturer.

There is no information in this forum. There is nothing either in Angel-Fire.

LastNeo ha scritto:
That firmware I use for a ClarkeTech 1200.

There is no information on ClarkeTech 1200 in the official web of the manufacturer.

There is no information in this forum. There is nothing either in Angel-Fire.


sorry, i don't know this 1200
this is a new model in Italy difficultly will find information now
1200 is a low cost model for (as said by Gagliostro) northern Europe. It has no emulator or modified firmware...
It is possible that in the future it has emulator or modified firmware.

Alto Basso