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In Rilievo Plugin for enigma2 - ChocholousekPicons updater (include DTT Italia)

Minor improvement:
- although the use of SNP picons is not very popular, due to their partial support in the plugin, it was necessary to change the search algorithm of all available satellite packages
- picon designer @chocholousek, will now be able to add some other SNP picon packs to the database (but they are still not primarily used in the plugin)

per chi volesse questo il comando telnet per rimuove la vecchia versione ed installare la nuova ma attenzione azzera il profilo
wget -qO- --no-check-certificate "https://github.com/s3n0/e2plugins/raw/master/ChocholousekPicons/online-setup" | bash -s uninstall
wget -qO- --no-check-certificate "https://github.com/s3n0/e2plugins/raw/master/ChocholousekPicons/online-setup" | bash -s install

i file ipk e deb:


grazie a Chocholoušek
Alto Basso