AltDVB 2.0
# New hardware interfaces:
* Pinnacle PCTV Sat (no CI version)
Thanks to: MPatrascanu
* NovaPCI
Thanks to: Stailus
* Twinhan VisionPlus (tested only with VP1020a)
Thanks to: Rahaal & Neztiti
* Network Client
Full control of DVB card + TS streaming over TCP/IP
Server (AltSRV.exe) must be running on remote PC !
# Application:
* Minimize to tray
* Mouse gestures (on video & teletext window)
* Video: Stay-On-Top Floating Windows (magnetic to screen borders)
* Scheduler, with "Wakeup-from-Standby" option (hardware dependent)
* Software decoding using FFDeCSA (ported from linux)
* Direct shortcuts for scanning current transponder/current satellite
* Sleeptimer, with exit/suspend/hibernate/shutdown option when time elapsed
* Command line parameters (see CmdLine.txt for details)
* History graphs for signal,CPU & Memory
* Extended keyboard shortcuts & RemoteControl
* Multiple favorites per channel (max 4)
* Improved channels group/filter
* Operations on selected channels: Delete All,Set Favorites,Set PluginProfile
* USALS GotoX angle adjusted with your location (thanks to Ulrich B. [DF6JB] )
* Transport Stream information (PID DataRate & DataType)
# DirectShow:
* New source filter with internal A/V demuxer
* Automatic graph builder (by selecting filters)
* Configuration form .GRF/.XGR or .GRS (Graph Script)
* Manual aspect ratio settings (Letterbox,4/3,16/9)
* Overscan border in full-screen (optional)
* Color setting in VMR9 Mode (hardware dependent)
* Audio channel A/B selector (
* Audio/Video MediaType detection
* Can play AC3 stream
# Interfaces:
* Dynamic HW/SW PID filters for SkyStar2
* Software mode for SkyStar1
* Record for SkyStar1 (PVA format only)
# Plugins:
* Enhanced management
* User profiles (enable/disable group of plugins)
* Profile can be automatically changed on new channel
* Can deliver TS packets (188bytes) if PID |= 0x8000
# Scanner:
* Transponders: List editor
* Transponders: Synchronize & Update (from WWW or SDX or NIT or other INI file)
* Transponders: Selections using multiple condition (Freq Range,SR Range,Polarity)
* Channels with no service description (SDT) can be auto-updated from SDX file
# Record:
* Stop conditions (Size/Time) & configurable split size
* Custom filename format
* Full Transport Stream Recorder (DVB Card dependent)
* Single PID recorder
# Services:
* EPG Viewer with content and text filter/search
* Teletext subtitles (software mode)
* Native teletext (unicode) with hotlink navigation (page numbers & web addresses)
# Fixed:
* Recording OK when using FFDecsa
* Channel/Group sorting bug
* DiseqC commands for simple switches (Toneburst A/B)